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Integración de inmigrantes en Finlandia febrero 25, 2012

Posted by kurtlewin in CESPYD, Diversidad, Empoderamiento, Inmigración, Intervención social y comunitaria, Investigación.
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El Doctorado «la intervención social con la comunidad» y el Máster en Psicología de la Intervención Social y Comunitaria organizan una sesión de investigación sobre la integración de inmigrantes en Finlandia. La sesión se centra en la presentación del proyecto Chili, con estrategias de empoderamiento de mujeres. Las dinamizadoras del proyectos colaboran habitualmente con el grupo de investigación CESPYD.

Tendrá lugar el 21 de marzo a las 12.00 en la sala de grupos del Departamento de Psicología Social.

Presentation of Chili, know-how and social integration with a view to study opportunities ESR project 2009-2011


–  A brief overview of: Finland’s population, the development of immigration, in particular Finland’s swift transition from a country from which the population was emigrating, to a county currently experiencing immigration. The traditional Finnish minority groups, the role of women in particular.

–  Female immigrants and their situation.

–  Finnish integration policy. The roles at state, regional and organisational levels. Help in the acquisition of language and integration skills, is offered at a regional level to those unemployed and seeking work.

–  Females, in particular those who are not part of the employment market and especially those at home with small children, can easily find themselves excluded from the process of integration, which occurs at a differing momentum for each member of the family. Women who do not find their role in society tend to be excluded. The observation of various needs, requirements and changes in methods of assimilation for various groups, are a matter of constant consideration for the Chili project with particular responsibility for the needs of women who are at risk of social exclusion.

–  An introduction to the Chili project. Where and how we operate. Our activities include the teaching of language, social skills, child care, peer group activities, personal guidance and network collaboration, i.e empowerment at the collective and individual level. Working together, creating the future.

–  Evaluation of the project and best practices

–  Discussion


Ms. Else Kruskopf. Project manager. Chili project. Master’s degree in Social Sciences. Specialised in social pedagogy, the academic discipline concerned with theory and practice of holistic education and care. Previous work broad experience in preventive social care.

Ms. Miia Komppa. Project worker. Chili project. Area of responsibility; teaching. Master of Arts in Intercultural Encounters. Broad experience in adult education and in the NGOs.

Ms. Ala Saee. Project worker. Chili project. Area of responsibility: peer group activities. Professional in social and health care Chairperson of the Organisation of Iraqi Women in Finland. Broad experience in both independent immigrant organisations and social and health care.