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Premio Sevilla Joven diciembre 15, 2012

Posted by kurtlewin in Departamento de Psicología Social, Docencia, Intervención Psicosocial en Educación y Juventud, Noticias, Profesorado.
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Alfonso Javier García González, profesor del Departamento de Psicología Social, ha recibido el premio Sevilla Joven en la categoría de Solidaridad y Universidad. La noticia se recoge en el Boletín Interno de Noticias de la Universidad de Sevilla.

Assistant professor, USC Psychology Department septiembre 12, 2012

Posted by kurtlewin in Intervención social y comunitaria, Investigación, Profesorado, Psicología Comunitaria, Salud.
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La Universidad de Carolina del Sur convoca una plaza de profesor en Psicología Comunitaria. A continuación reproducimos la información:


Community-Based Health and Social Disparities Research

University of South Carolina

The Department of Psychology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor for candidates whose research programs focus on health and social disparities (e.g., physical health, psychological well-being). We seek candidates with experience in community-based prevention and intervention research who will (a) be competitive for national funding initiatives, (b) contribute to USC’s priority on health-focused research, and (c) complement the university’s mission to address the health and welfare of state residents. Qualifications include a promising record in original research, a commitment to quality teaching, and a doctoral degree or satisfactory progress toward completion of a doctoral degree in psychology or a related field.

We seek a scholar with expertise in community-engaged health disparity research to understand interactions between individual and environmental factors that can affect health and social disparities in health. The Assistant Professor will be expected to build a strong research program investigating the role of social, cultural, policy, or environmental influences on psychological well-being and health. Specific responsibilities include (1) creating research collaborations with community settings to investigate health disparities and related social conditions, (2) seeking and obtaining external funding for community-based research, (3) offering research and learning opportunities to graduate and undergraduate students.

The University of South Carolina’s main campus is located in the state capital, close to mountains and coast. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has designated the University of South Carolina as one of only 73 public and 32 private academic institutions with “very high research activity”. The Carnegie Foundation also lists USC as having strong community engagement. The University has over 29,500 students on the main campus (and over 44,500 students system-wide), more than 350 degree programs, and a nationally-ranked library system that includes one of the nation’s largest public film archives. Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, is the center of an increasingly sophisticated greater metropolitan area with a population over 750,000.

The Department of Psychology has three Ph.D. programs: clinical-community psychology, experimental psychology, and school psychology, with interest areas that cut across programs – child and family issues, cognitive and behavioral neuroscience, developmental processes, drug abuse and addiction, psychopathology, prevention and community-based intervention. For additional information, the department web site is http://www.psych.sc.edu.

Electronic application submissions are preferred and should be e-mailed to lewterv@mailbox.sc.edu with Assistant Professor Search in the subject line. Paper submissions may be sent to: Community-Based Health and Social Disparities Search Committee Chair, University of South Carolina, Department of Psychology, Columbia, South Carolina 29208

For full consideration, all application materials must be received no later than October 1, 2012 and should include a letter of application, curriculum/research vita, and three letters of recommendation. Additional materials that demonstrate educational, academic, and work experience should accompany the application package. For further information about this position please contact Associate Professor and Search Committee Chair Bret Kloos at kloos@sc.edu.

The University of South Carolina is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. The University of South Carolina does not discriminate in educational or employment opportunities or decisions for qualified persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status.

Tribunales de tesis julio 2, 2012

Posted by kurtlewin in Departamento de Psicología Social, Doctorado, Estudiantes, Investigación, Noticias, Organización del doctorado, Profesorado.
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La nueva normativa de doctorado afecta a la composición de los tribunales de tesis doctorales.

«Los miembros de los tribunales que evaluarán las tesis doctorales deberán tener experiencia investigadora acreditada. La normativa indica que esta experiencia se acreditará mediante la posesión de al menos un sexenio de investigación»

  • Descarga la circular del Servicio de Doctorado de la Universidad de Sevilla [pdf].

CineMobile febrero 25, 2011

Posted by kurtlewin in Cine, Noticias, Profesorado.
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CineMobile organiza una mesa redonda en torno al tema de Cine y Discapacidad, el próximo 10 de marzo a las 17:30 en el Salón de actos de la Facultad de Psicología de Sevilla. En ella participarán, entre otros, Santiago Zannou, director del Truco del Manco (2008), Pablo Navarro, miembro de la asociación Capficats y Trinidad Nuñez, Vicedecana de Ordenación Docente e Investigación de la Facultad de Comuninación de la Universidad de Sevilla, miembro del jurado del certámen y que actuará como moderadora de la mesa redonda.

Profesor asociado en la UAM de Iztapalapa octubre 18, 2010

Posted by kurtlewin in México, Profesorado.
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La Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México ha convocado un concurso de oposición para una plaza de Profesor/a Asociado/a Tiempo Completo en la Unidad Iztapalapa. «El aspirante deberá contar con licenciatura en Psicología/Psicología social y maestría o grado equivalente en Psicología social. Deberá tener un muy alto nivel en investigación y docencia, métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos, y epistemología entre otros aspectos».

La fecha de publicación fue el 1º de octubre y los interesados tienen 20 día hábiles para presentar solicitud, por lo que ya está cercano el cierre de la convocatoria. Los datos de contacto están en el siguiente enlace: http://www.uam.mx/convoacad/requisitos.html